When our physical appearance no longer suits us, when social pressure is strong or even by simple personal decision, it is common, especially for women, to start their first or umpteenth diet. Generally, we start THE revolutionary method, the one that will finally allow us to feel good about our body.
Discovered in a women's magazine, seen on television, told by a loved one for whom it worked... All opinions are good. Or not! Because all these diets, whatever they may be, often have one thing in common: restriction.
So yes, the results are often quick but the yo-yo effect is just as dazzling! Not to mention the negative repercussions on health.
This summer, the Clinique de la Croix d'Or is here to support you and help you adopt the right habits for a healthy body in which you will feel good.
A restrictive diet excludes foods and products from the normal diet, and/or drastically reduces the quantities consumed (in particular carbohydrates with the reduction of starchy foods). It is often very strict: lists of foods that are not recommended (and/or advised), constraints...
It doesn't take into account your metabolism, your lifestyle, your needs or your eating habits and preferences. Whether you are a man, a woman, young or old, the restrictive diet will apply to everyone in the same way. And that's the whole problem!
Almost inevitably the regime ends up ending. Several mechanisms then come into play.
Until all muscle mass is restored to the equivalent, our hunger is increased.
This period is called “compensatory hyperphagia”: overeating to compensate for previous deficiencies.
This phenomenon is coupled with a second one: “tissue hyperplasia of adipocytes”: the cells containing fat multiply to store more in order to anticipate a potential future shortage.
There is no miracle diet. The ideal slimming recipe to lose weight quickly is not found in a magic pill. Nor in a magic powder to swallow instead of your usual meals. Each metabolism is different, each sensitivity to food is different, and each person gives more or less importance to food in their life. This is why dietary management must be case by case, whether it is a balanced diet, chronotherapy, micronutrition and many others...
It is not up to the patient to adapt to his diet but up to the patient to adapt his diet to his lifestyle.
For this reason, it is important in the case of failures to consult a specialist who will be able to support you in the possible changes to your diet and to benefit from personalized support. Do you want personalized advice? A tailor-made program that respects your desires and your pace of life? Our coaches at the Clinique de la Croix d'Or are available and ready to support you in this wonderful well-being challenge.
Book an appointment today for personalized, high-quality aesthetic treatments. Our team of experts is here to offer you innovative treatments tailored to your needs.